Community Safety

Emergency Management

Tl’azt’en Nation Emergency Management Program is working to implement a comprehensive program that protects the people, property, and environment of Tl’azt’en Nation and their traditional territories.


Community Preparedness

The Emergency Management program builds community resiliency by coordinating plans and procedures to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to and recover from large-scale emergencies and disasters.

Emergency Program staff work in partnership with community members, local first response, regional and provincial agencies to develop and implement plans, programs and activities.


Tl’azt’en Nation Emergency Management program supports:

  • Individual community member’s personal preparedness through educational outreach and resource sharing. Additionally, members can contact the Emergency Management program office for
    • a review of their plan
    • assistance writing a plan of their own
    • FireSmart assessment of their home.


  • Community response through administrative support for Tl’azt’en Nation’s volunteer Fire Department and First Responder programs. Additionally, the Emergency Management program provides coordination support for regional and provincial Search and Rescue and Emergency Social Services.


  • Community resilience through a process of continuous improvement for our Community Emergency Plan and annual training and exercises. Community members are a critical component of our emergency program. Free training is available to all Tl’azt’en Nation members who become members of our Emergency Management Program Team.


  • Administrative Safety by coordinating the Occupatinal Health and Safety, risk mananagement and business continuity progras for the Tl’azt’en Nation administration.
Our Success Story

2021 Flood Prediction Enhancement

In a joint partnership with Emergency Management BC, Waterstewardship BC and Tl’azt’en Nation Emergency Management a new river level monitoring gauge was installed at the Tachie River Boat Launch and calibrated with the Stuart River water level and flow gauge.

Readings on the new Tachie River gauage will be combined with snow pack, weather and Stuart River gauge information to predict if and when flooding may affect residents, the roads and other infrastructure in our communities.

Be Prepared


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Emergency Management Training

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Emergency Social Services

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Search and Rescue

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Get Prepared Canada

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Emergency Management Facebook Page

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Volunteers may apply to participate in the Emergency Management Program, First Responder and Fire Department teams at any time.

If accepted to a volunteer team, self-paced online training is available continuously. Deadlines for instructor lead programs online and in-person may apply for some training.

Make a plan

Build a kit