Healthy Families, Healthy Communities
Social Development
The Social Development Department is committed to developing, managing, and delivering supportive programs that enhance our community. We are committed to providing services, such as income support, skill development, and learning resources to help our communities thrive.

The Social Development department assists members with the following services:
- Income Assistance
- Adult In-home Care program for elders and disabled
- National Child Benefit Reinvestment Program Initiatives
- Family Violence Initiatives and Supports
- Referrals for other supportive services available
- Active Measures Programs in partnership with TN Education Department
- COPH – Child-out-of-Home support (previously known as GFA).
- As well, the Social Development Department funds, coordinates, and assists in the delivery of many community events including:
- Youth stipend program – Summer program for youth ages 12 to 14 years old
- SWEP sponsorship for 15+ years of age with TN Education Department
- Meals Programs – EJS, FSJSS, David Hoy
- Sponsorship of Parenting programs, Parents Club
- Community dinners and events
- Shuttle sponsorship for clients to access services in Fort St. James
- Youth initiatives – conferences, recreation, etc.
- Daycare sponsorship – Past years included Toddler Circle, subsidy support to parents, and others.
- Funeral Assistance procedures
Community Events
The Social Development Department funds, coordinates, and assists in the delivery of many community events including:
- Family Fairs – holiday-themed events, Back-to-School
- Community dinners and events
These events take a lot of cooperation and dedication from not only Social Development staff but from many other partners in other departments and community. We thank all those event partners for all you do!
For more information regarding Income Assistance Program please contact us.
Social Development Supports
The Social Development Department Support.
For more information regarding Income Assistance Program please contact us.