Support For Families
Sum Yaz Daycare provides childcare to community members whom are working, attending school, and to families with referrals from Health Professionals.
Sum Yaz Daycare is committed to providing a safe, caring, stimulating and nurturing environment for children. Children can explore, make choices and be unique and learn at their own pace. Routines and activities will be reflective of the customs and beliefs of the Carrier Culture. With the cooperation of community members and community services, we will strive to meet all the developmental needs of each child and provide children with a positive sense of self and inspire in children a desire for life long learning.
Sum Yaz Daycare provides children with opportunities to learn our Language and Culture in conjunction with the Tl’azt’en Headstart Program and Eugene Joseph School’s Carrier Teacher. With assistance from our Social Development Department we provide breakfast and lunch. Sum Yaz Daycare hosts an annual Christmas Dinner for children enrolled. In June, there is a Preschool Graduation Celebration for children whom are leaving our program and entering the school system. Fundraising is a vital aspect of our program as it helps us purchase needed materials for proper programming as well as providing children with field trips to visit places such as Prince George, Vanderhoof, Fort St. James and surrounding communities.